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Step 5 - Enroll in University

The aim of this step is to help you understand the enrollment process post getting admits and get critical document for student visa - I-20/CAS/LOA etc.
Accept Your Admits

Accept Your Admits

Accept Your Admits

You will accept the admits you have recieved and would be working towards getting a critical document - I20/CAS/LOA in this stage.

If you have multiple admits, you can accept multiple admits and conduct your research to chose the best option for your profile.

You would have to select one university to proceed with your visa application in the next stage.

View Enrollment Checklist

View Enrollment Checklist

Are you confused about financial affidavits, source of funds etc. required to enroll in the university?

You will find detailed guides along with samples to help you in the enrollment process.

You can prepare your documents using these samples as a reference.

View Enrollment Checklist
Get Educational Loan

Get Educational Loan

Get Educational Loan

Most of the students look for an education loan to fund their study abroad dreams.

Education loans will make the master's in top universities affordable and puts less burden on the parents.

Our loan experts can assess your profile and get you multiple loan offers at best possible interest rates.

Get I-20/CAS/LOA

Get I-20/CAS/LOA

After sorting your funding sources and collecting all the required documents, you will submit all the necessary documents to university to get I20/CAS/LOA.

Universities take 1-3 weeks on average to issue I20/CAS/LOA to the students.

On successful verification of submitted documents, universities will issue relevant documents required for student visa process.

Get I-20/CAS/LOA

After completing enrollment and getting required document - I20/CAS/LOA from the respective university, you will move to the last and critical step of your study abroad journey.